


Lespedeza Capitata Extract




Protective action of the capillaries, draining, anti-cellulite


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Lespedeza capitata

Lespedeza capitata is found in large concentrations in most regions of Illinois, United States, although it is less common in the southeast area of ​​the state. This species establishes a "symbiotic relationship" with some soil bacteria, these bacteria form nodules on the roots that absorb the nitrogen contained in the atmosphere. Some of this nitrogen is used by the plant during its growth phase, but the accumulated nitrogen can also be used by other plants growing nearby. Lespedeza is considered a powerful drainer of the lymphatic system. The active ingredient is contained in the tops and flowering tops of the plant and consists of flavonoids (about 1%), glucosidic compounds (polysaccharides), catechin tannins and catechols. Lespedeza is used in phytotherapy in the treatment of gout, hyperazotemia, properties that can be attributed to its flavonoic fraction. Modern medical-scientific studies have shown that the administration of 3 cups a day of lespedeza infusion, every 8 hours, leads to the progressive elimination of nitrogenous wastes through the kidneys, approximately every 8 hours. The plant also has a hypotensive, capillary-protective and cholesterol-lowering action and is also indicated in the treatment of cellulite, edema and kidney stones, thanks to the presence of the flavonoid rutin which acts on the venous system, improving its tone, reducing the fragility of capillaries and promoting drainage from body fluids.