
Scutellaria Baicalensis


Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract




Soothing, astringent, protects against sun damage

Scutellaria Baicalensis

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Scutellaria Baicalensis is a 20-60 cm tall perennial plant with a branched and tetrangular stem right from the base. The leaves are lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, with dark dots on the underside corresponding to the glandular ducts and violet, in some cases blue, flowers. Present in Asia and in particular in Siberia, it was indicated by the Native Americans for the anti-inflammatory properties of the respiratory tree and gastrointestinal tract. Among the herbs listed in the prescriptions for decoctions, tinctures, pills and ointments found in a 2nd century AD tomb in China was Baicalensis. It has neuroprotective, sedative and relaxing properties, compatible with the agonistic activity of the benzodiazepine receptors. Internally, the extract has been used in herbal medicine to treat inflammation, infection, cancer, and other ailments. In modern times, the use of this extract in maintaining healthy skin is becoming increasingly popular due to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as its ability to inhibit melanin synthesis and protect against sun damage. In fact, it provides significant protection from sun damage thanks to the presence of oroxillina. It is indicated for the treatment of insomnia and anxiety states. In cosmetics, the root extract of this plant is used for its astringent, humectant and soothing properties.