
Vitamin F


 Linseed Acid




Nourishing and regenerating

Vitamin F

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Vitamin F, also called Omega 3, is formed by a mixture of two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (Omega 6) and alpha-linoleic acid (Omega 3) to which arachidonic acid is added. Therefore, they are fatty acids, as well as essential nutrients for the body due to their beneficial properties. In the cosmetic field, vitamin F is called the "skin vitamin" due to its multiple beneficial properties. The three polyunsaturated acids that compose it are important constituents of cell membranes and contribute significantly to keeping the skin, capillaries and nails in good condition. Their deficiency causes dryness, flaking of the skin, brittle nails and excessive dryness in the hair. At the skin level, the application of products containing pseudovitamin F improves:the structure of the stratum corneum and its reconstruction;

  • skin hydration and its elasticity;
  • the integrity of cell membranes, nails and hair;
  • also performs an immunological action e
  • regulates the process of sebum formation and sebogenesis.;

Its deficiency causes symptoms of dermatosis, such as acne, eczema, cracks, dry and rough skin, and also brittle nails, dandruff, brittle and dull hair. Vitamin F, by keeping the cell membrane fluid, nourishes and regenerates the skin making it soft and supple. In addition to having positive effects on the skin, vitamin F is also very important for the integrity of hair and hair: in particular, Omega 3 keeps the cell membrane open and nourishes the skin giving it softness and elasticity as well as stimulating cell regeneration . It is one of the active ingredients that we find in the recipe of the eyelash and eyebrow strengthening serum precisely because of its tonic and nourishing action; moreover, by coming into contact with the lash line, it hydrates and nourishes the skin, creating an environment conducive to the growth and well-being of the hair. Vitamin F is present in various seed oils such as soybean oil, linseed oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, walnut oil, almond oil, peanut oil and others.